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Duckslayr161 Scores

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:26 pm
by skipper
My son got his Buffle Head this morning on our last hunt together of the season. I’m sure him and Justin will go out again some more before the season ends but, this was my last trip anyhow.

It really turned cold and wet this trip. Corpus Christi is about 250 miles from where I live northwest of Houston and it rained hard on me and the Mrs., all the way there Friday night. Saturday morning was cold and the winds were blowing 25 mph and gusting to 35 mph. Needless to say, the ducks weren’t in any mood to take to the air in that kind of wind. Justin’s dad said they were breaking ice not too far north of us where he was hunting. This was not the greatest way to start my last trip of the season.

This morning the wind had died down and we cast off for a box blind Justin and his dad had built earlier in the season. Justin had to go to work by 1000 so we were pressed for time. The ducks were there but every other hunter in Corpus was in the bay getting in their last hunts of the season. The ducks kept clear of most anything even resembling humans including us. We had several groups approach our spread with caution but most weren’t interested in landing near the spoil islands. We managed to get one Red Head and were pretty much just enjoying being out on the water. Low and behold a lone Buffle Head dropped out of the sky and was headed for a landing on the very outside of the decoys. All three of us got a piece of the duck before he hit the water. The poor fellow had holes all through him. It did my heart good to see my son get his Buffle Head after all the trouble him and Justin went through for me. Congratulations, Duckslayr161. That duck is going to look real good on the wall in your living room.


Here is a neat little head light that I thought I would share with you. It is the Cyclops by Orion. As you can see it comes in a three or five LED configuration with your choice of either green or white light. These lights clip on the visor of your ball cap for completely hands free operation. Unlike other lights that are heavy and strap to your head, these are extremely light units that you will almost forget are there. They put out plenty of light in either configuration and only cost about $12. This was my first time using these lights so I can’t give you much information about how they will hold up over time. The marine environment has a way of eating through anything with metal parts rather quickly. I’m going to remove the batteries and give the things a little squirt of WD 40 before I put them away. I’ll probably lose one to my other son Jaxon before next year rolls around. I’m sure most of you with kids know how things just seem to walk off.



