Ruger Charger Accuracy?

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Ruger Charger Accuracy?

Post by RowdyYates »

Not expecting 10-22 rifle performance, but are they close? I recently inherited one. Took it out last week and ran the only LR ammo I had - Stingers (which I just read aren't recommended) through it - and shot around 11/2 inches. Bought a BX trigger, and am thinking of a Kidd barrel down the road. Or maybe just change it to a full rifle after the "unique-ness" wears off.
Also, what type scope works best on these: rifle or pistol? Seems okay to my eyes with the Leupold rifle on it now; someone else swears by his pistol scope. And, is there anything to the rumor that the alleged "recoil" of the 10-22 is hard on scopes?
Jim White
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Re: Ruger Charger Accuracy?

Post by Jim White »

I'm only speaking for myself but my best accuracy has come from STD velocity loads. Occasionally, a high or hyper velocity load works out but rarely for me.


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