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World record elk--(if you say so)

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:10 pm
by JD11
There's a pic going around regarding a Utah elk that's truly fantastic. It's easy to find on Google. However, here's the rest of the story---We have a local newspaper hunting & fishing writer who's articles are always interesting and fair-minded and he pointed out the following in today's article:
The "hunter" paid nearly $170,000 for one of the special governor's tags which enable you to hunt with your weapon of choice during bow, black powder, or rifle season. (He used a centerfire and killed it during muzzleloader season.)

He had "team" Mossberg and a team of guides and paid observers who tracked this elk's wanderings for months beforehand.

As the author said, "It raises a cloud of doubt and places a stigma of questionable ethics on every head recorded in their record books." (Boone and Crockett)
After reading the complete article, I don't know how the guy had the weavos to have his pic taken next to the kill.

Re: World record elk--(if you say so)

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:31 am
by Va varminter
Not the worst I've heard or seen (if it was not high fence). On Ebay I saw a "hunt" for a monster elk. The pic. showed him in a what looked like a horse pen. He was feeding on a pile of feed in front of him. Talk about fish in a barrel.

Re: World record elk--(if you say so)

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:07 pm
by steve
DIY back country the only way to go.

Re: World record elk--(if you say so)

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:26 am
by Bergcrane2
One of my buddies used to have elk. One was a dandy 6x6 and some guy stopped by and offered him $10k to shoot it. Real sportsman huh? :roll:

Re: World record elk--(if you say so)

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:47 pm
by Racr350
People are just getting lazy...they're taking the "hunt" out of hunting. Fools... :doh:

Re: World record elk--(if you say so)

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:53 am
by Bunnybuster
Well for some people the goal is the trophy. For others, the hunt is the goal. Personally, I hunt to hunt. I hunt big bucks, but will shoot a forky in the last two days of the season: if, it is somewhere that will be relatively easy to recover.

Don't disparage the Governor's Auction Tag, and the similar ones that the other states have. They do add a sizable chunk of money to the budgets of most states cash strapped Fish and Game agencies.

Re: World record elk--(if you say so)

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:48 pm
by Guy M
"Don't disparage the Governor's Auction Tag, and the similar ones that the other states have. They do add a sizable chunk of money to the budgets of most states cash strapped Fish and Game agencies."

Agree. As long as the state holds it to a very few tags like that - they can raise a lot of money for their Fish & Wildlife depts.

I've got nothing against some rich guy buying the Governor's tag, and don't really have anything against a guy hiring a guide or outfitter either - especially if he's hunting somewhere strange to him. But yeah - these hunts are a whole lot different than when I grab my pack & rifle and head into the hills...

Sometimes anymore I don't really know where the line is drawn between what's too much, and what's okay. It used to be pretty simple. Now, I'm not sure - a lot of gray areas for sure.

Regards, Guy

Re: World record elk--(if you say so)

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:07 pm
by surfclod
While this is not the type of hunting that I would really like to do I can't really criticize the guy to much. He defiantly spent a lot of money but he also did a lot of work to get the animal. I think we will have to trust the B & C people to make judgement.

There are all different types of hunting, some use dogs, chase bush or have bait stations, (personally thats not for me) others like to add to the challenge with blackpowder, archery or handgun hunting.

We just need to be careful in our criticisms because we are to easily divided and conquered. The anti hunting crowd will start with trying to ban the "canned hunts" or other "unsporting" type of hunts then move on to what ever is next. Gotta remember that they will not stop till all hunting is ended, not just with the types that we may or may not agree with

I remember as a kid some of the old guys said a scope was unsporting to use, recently I have heard the same being said about some of the super duper magnum cartridges for +500 yard shots.

I guess the guy who goes out in a loincloth and flint knife can call everyone else cheaters. :wink:

Re: World record elk--(if you say so)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:44 pm
by Va varminter
Loin cloth yes, flint knife no. I just stalk the animal then pounce. I'm like a puma, just bite them in the throat and hang on. :lol:

Re: World record elk--(if you say so)

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:54 pm
by venison_burger
I know this thread is a little old, but I just got on the forum and have to add my two cents.

As I get close to finishing my first year as a Conservation Officer (game warden) I've already lost all interest in trophy status. After seeing the great lengths (illegal and/or unethical) that people go through simply for the trophy status associated with big antlers and a large bodied animal, I can't help but wonder if I even want to know how other trophy animals I see were ACTUALLY taken. The annual number of huge bucks and bulls that are taken illegally is incredible.

Also, the commercialization of our sport has almost turned hunting into something that I'm ashamed of.

I think some people just love antlers way too much.

Re: World record elk--(if you say so)

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:17 am
by Bergcrane2
venison_burger wrote:I know this thread is a little old, but I just got on the forum and have to add my two cents.

As I get close to finishing my first year as a Conservation Officer (game warden) I've already lost all interest in trophy status. After seeing the great lengths (illegal and/or unethical) that people go through simply for the trophy status associated with big antlers and a large bodied animal, I can't help but wonder if I even want to know how other trophy animals I see were ACTUALLY taken. The annual number of huge bucks and bulls that are taken illegally is incredible.

Also, the commercialization of our sport has almost turned hunting into something that I'm ashamed of.

I think some people just love antlers way too much.
I tend to agree vb. It's become almost unbearable to turn on the Sportmens Channel. Poaching is so bad in some areas by me, I've considered giving up on my home state and just going out west every year.

Re: World record elk--(if you say so)

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:59 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Venison & Berg2: I could not agree more with both of your comments. I've hunted from Mexico to northern BC for my entire life, and these days am apalled at what I see on the "sporting" channels. True, once large antlers were a big deal to me too, but these days, I really don't care if an animal comes home with me or not, it's just the love of the hunt that's really important. Good times with good friends in the great outdoors, taking a favorite rifle for a walk just seems good to me now.

If I'm fortunate enough to harvest a good critter legally, it's then just icing on the proverbial cake. Besides, you can't eat antlers!

Re: World record elk--(if you say so)

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:11 pm
by Bergcrane2
I couldn't agree more Rick. We have a baiting ban here in Michigan because they found CWD in a deer. I'd guess about 60-70% of the hunters are still baiting. I find it a challenge to get close to a nice buck by actually using hunting skills. There has been many times I let them walk just so I can hunt the following day. A few years back I limited out on opening day, and it was complete torture not being able to be out in the woods. :(

Re: World record elk--(if you say so)

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:01 am
by sixshooter
A trophy is like a photograph. It can have different meaning for those involved. Take a man that wants a mt. lion on his wall so he calls a guide and then tells him I dont want to hunt for days so the guide calls him when the track is found and the hounds are hot on it. The guide follows all over then the guy drives as close as they can get him and he shoots it. Contrast this to a man who wants a mt. lion on his wall so he buys a hound puppy from an old timer then spends a couple of years working with it until it catches racoons. Next he gets a second dog and after 4 years he has two real good looking coonhounds. He spends every weekend all winter looking for lion tracks and finally finds some. Him and his dogs go of on a 20 mile hike that gets them nothing but sore feet. Try and try again when he actually gets to a tree with the big old mt. lion that he has been dreaming of. He shoots it and puts it on his wall. Now both have a trophy and both have a right to their trophy but for my money the second guy is the one I want to talk to.

Same deal with pen raised or whatever giant bull. If thats what you want and you can afford it get after it but for me my trophies are about doing better than I thought I could.

When someone looks at a trophy they seem to fall into several catagories. One is my cousin shot a lot bigger deer than that. Another is I could shoot something that big if I could afford the guide. Yet another is he must have poached that. The only people that I talk to about my own trophies are the ones that say, "I like to hunt can you tell me about this buck or bull it looks great". Trophies have a purpose and its more than just bragging.

Re: World record elk--(if you say so)

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:02 pm
by Ray P
Sixshooter/ RIO Very well put! We have the outdoor to enjoy. It's always nice to take a rifle/handgun for walk. Here in Pa there selling so may bonus tags for deer, the deer are few and far between. Unless you own a lot of land or hunt private land not to many hunters want to hike the back woods that left.................except for the ol timers they know how to still do it.
I wish everyone a safe hunting season in 09 and may you find your trophy!
Ray P