The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Talk about hunting the hunters and their prey.
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Rick in Oregon
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The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Post by Rick in Oregon »

With forum participation waning with new posts seldom appearing lately, I thought I'd post up our recent Rat Rodeo that's pic heavy for some fresh entertainment. This was a ten day affair here in Orygun with my usual crew. "hemiallen" from CA joined us again this year for fun with rodents and the most fun you can have with a rifle. The weather was favorable this year, no Arctic blasts of snow and wind thankfully like we had two years ago.

This alfalfa rancher has numerous pivots, an old uninhabited double-wide on the property with the usual hay barns and other ranch buildings. He lets some of our crew stay in the old house with cots, sleeping bags and propane stove and heaters, some other members take their camp trailers that he lets us hook to power and water; a great arrangement for all of us.


Not wanting to drive or park on freshly planted fields, we usually set up along the ranch two-tracks and shot into the squirrel infested fields each morning.


Another set on a different ranch road:


The squirrels have just had a hatch of young ones, so there were lots of small targets. Most of the females seemed to still be underground with their young, as not too may grown adults above ground. When hit, the little ones really launch into the stratosphere, but not as rewarding as a solid hit on a large, full grown squirrel. The below back-lit shot shows beaucoup mounds and a few squirrels romping about:


The list of calibers present included 22LR (of course!), 22WMR, 17HMR, 17HH, 20VT, 204 Ruger (naturally) and 223. My 11-twist M700 204 Ruger Match never got uncased, as I was saving it for the longer shots over 300 yards. But terrain, lack of elevation and unfavorable safety conditions (roaming cattle) prevented me from unleashing it on the rats. Almost all my shooting was with my Anschutz 1715HB 17HMR and my Cooper M38 20VT.

"hemiallen" smiling after a nice hit with his CZ 17HH:


Allen's M700 Stainless/Laminated/Fluted 204 on the bench cooling. Allen was shooting the 32gr Z-Max's:


Dan having some fun with the rats and his Ruger 22/45 suppressed pistol. It's so quiet, the rats didn't seem to mind....except when hit of course. :lol:


My bench with my Cooper M38 20VT in the bags during a lull in the shooting: (Blurred, but the distant pivot line is just shy of 300 yards from the bench.)


Yours truly lining up the next victim for 'flight lessons':


This pic illustrates the huge condo's the rats excavate in the field. Not the two unfortunate residents who literally lost their heads (or bodies, depending on how you look at it) by posing on top of their mound:


The rancher has a large badger on the property that he'd like to remove. So Dan brought along his suppressed 7mm Mag for some LR work on said critter. Here he's dialing it in at 400 yards "just in case" it shows:


The white truck in the background in front of the white shed is Dan, patiently waiting for the badger to emerge for a shot. Sorry about the poor pic quality, it was shot with the sun directly behind the hill shining right at us, but it shows the mound concentration: (The badger never showed while Dan was in position.)


After a few hours of shooting at the benches, some relaxing time at camp. Dan, ever the badger shooter, with his Leupold spotter scanning the field where we last saw the critter. Range to where we last saw him was about 700 yards.....hence the need for the 7mm Mag....suppressed of course so as to not disturb the rats too much. :wink:


We've all seen blown-up PD's and squirrels, but it never ceases to amaze as to the effectiveness of an accurate 'rat rifle' in a suitable rat caliber. This fellow launched about 4' in the air prior to landing right next to the hole he was standing guard over, courtesy of my 20VT and a Nosler 32gr Varmageddon Tipped bullet over 18.5grs of RL-7 for 3,680 fps:


In an effort to gain some needed elevation, Gary is shooting his Cooper 20VT from the truck bed:


Garth giving Allen's CZ 17HH a try at a not-so willing squirrel:

Rifle cleaning was usually done in the field, or sometimes back in camp on the tailgate with an adult beverage close at hand. My Cooper 20VT in the cradle getting all sparkling clean and ready for the next morning's assault on the rats:


So now back home, the fired brass is in the tumbler getting cleaned and ready for reloading and the next outing. The weather has now fully changed into "spring" and the rock chucks are now out and about. So......the next time out is for chucks and more fun with rodents. This was a fun couple of weeks with like-minded old guys all set in our ways. :mrgreen:
Semper Fortis
Rick in Oregon

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Re: The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Post by Bill K »

Thanks Rick. My area is just now starting to warm, but the wind being cool yet, seems to be keeping them down, for the most part. In time I will get more shooting in.
Looks like all of you fellows had a good time and nice weather. Again Thanks for sharing all of that. :D
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Re: The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Post by MTPaul »

Rick - Thank you for the update...and for the pictures of course! From all appearances it looks like a good time was had by all, except for the unfortunate critters who took the flying lessons. ;) Here in SW MT the spring weather hasn't quite caught up with the calendar as we are still waiting on a warmup to eventually encourage more of the furry critters to become more active. The snowbanks are gradually contributing to the ground water recharge so it's only a matter of time before we start seeing more Richardson Ground Squirrels (our resident small furry critters next to prairie dogs) scurrying about.

The Leupold scope I was patiently waiting on (VX-3HD 6.5x20x50) finally arrived and once I have the remaining mounting hardware in hand, the scope will be mated to the Cooper M21, 204R. Sighting in and the final determination of which ammunition (factory at this point) the Cooper prefers will cap off the build portion. After which, the flying lessons will commence, and the obligatory pictures will be posted. Yes, I am champing at the bit... :D
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Re: The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Post by SecretCode »

Thanks once again Rick. Wait patiently for this update every year. Spring has finally sprung for us in SE ND. The striped and richardton ground Squirrels are out on road edges and ditches finally. I am getting dead rodent picks every sunny day from friends out and about. The fields are dry enough to get into and the crops are going in the ground. God is Good.

Your one shooting buddy must have a nice stash of z-maxes, discontinued years ago now. I myself grabbed the last 1000 that my local scheels had in .22 55 grain flavor when they were discontinued.
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Rick in Oregon
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Re: The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Post by Rick in Oregon »

SecretCode wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:29 pmYour one shooting buddy must have a nice stash of z-maxes, discontinued years ago now. I myself grabbed the last 1000 that my local scheels had in .22 55 grain flavor when they were discontinued.
SecretCode, Allen lives in CA, so he saves all his lead core bullets for trips up here to the free state of Orygun, as being in Kommiefornia, he cannot shoot them (legally) there at home. I believe he purchased a beaucoup supply when he could to last as long as possible. I know that more than a few squirrels got their flying lessons via those Z-Max's on that trip.

Thanks for the positive comments, always good to know others appreciate the rat posts.

MTPaul, glad your Leupold finally arrived. After you get that baby mounted and sighted in, know that we're looking forward to some field pics showing the finished rifle in your environment there. 'Cause as you note, spring has finally sprung!

Bill K, by the looks of the WX reports lately, you should be getting some sunshine and warmer temps here soon and you can get back to what we know we all love Skippy and his pals their flying lessons in the alfalfa. Remember to take your phone or camera to regail us all with the adventure when you return.

I'm fully aware this is the 204R forum, but as I was saving my 204's for the long distance work this trip, they didn't get shot much at all. The star of my trip was my Cooper M38 in 20VT. For work inside of 350 yards on the sage rats, it did a remarkable job.....accurate as h3ll, smacked the rats with authority, and did it all with only 18.5grs of powder for very low, almost nonexistent recoil and blast. If a guy had only two rat rifles for these critters and perhaps chucks, the 204R and the 20VT would be all that's needed. (But I know we all want more. :mrgreen: )


I'll never bail from the 204R, but it's nice to have a "junior" version of it handy too that uses the same bullets to keep things simple. I'm a firm believer in the KISS Principle. :wink:
Semper Fortis
Rick in Oregon

Oregon, East of the Cascades - Where Common Sense Still Prevails

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Re: The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Post by Bill K »

Yes Rick it is beginning to warm and sun shine more. However some light rain predicted the next day or two. But I am seeing a few chucks sunning now and then, so they will begin coming out more often. Just let the young one's grow a little more, then look out.
GS's are beginning to pop up in places, so they will be on the list for acrobatics.. :D
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Re: The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Post by Jim White »

Looks like another good time was had by all...thanks for the write and the pictures, it almost felt like I was there.
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Rick in Oregon
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Re: The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Post by Rick in Oregon »

Rain and wind now here again, so it'll be a while till I can get out for rock chucks again. So as it rains and blows outside, it's back to basics.....getting that fired brass cleaned, primed and reloaded for the next time:


Just returned to the house from picking up my two hound dogs from the dog bath and saw a chuck looking out of his den for some sun by the local high school. Won't be long now.....


And if we get some decent sunshine type weather and the alfalfa doesn't grow too much with all this needed rain, another rat trip is sure to be on the agenda. Gotta be able to see the little buggers in order to shoot 'em. :wink:
Semper Fortis
Rick in Oregon

Oregon, East of the Cascades - Where Common Sense Still Prevails

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Re: The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Post by Bill K »

Well one California movement into your area is a good thing. Those California Poppies looks good and will offer some feed for those Chucks. :D

And I am also grounded until this rain and snow stops in my area also. But, like you, will do some loading room/bench activity. :)
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Re: The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Post by Bill K »

Speaking of snow, some more coming down and sticking this time. But it should be letting up by tomorrow afternoon, so the weather reports say.
Interesting little fact of sorts regarding the snow I get. Every month since late Nov-23 now up until today, I have has some degree of snow each and every month so far. From a couple inches to upwards of 4 ft. Which is not uncommon up here on this mountain at 5100 ft where my little place is.
I guess it is why I like it so much, plenty of critters, deer, bear, fox and others pass through each and every day or night and make for some neat viewing and critter watching. And in between when the sun shines and it is warm and sunny I head out for some shooting, which I hope will occur in the upcoming week. Hope many of you have the same enjoyment in your areas. :D
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Re: The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Post by Bill K »

Well the chucks will be holed up and staying warm today in my area. No shooting for sure. :eek:
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Jim White
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Re: The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Post by Jim White » I was flying back west from the east coast last week I noticed when peeking out the window there was still an abundant amount of snow on the hills in the Rockies and the Cascades. Hopefully you'll be thawed out soon...Jim
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Re: The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Post by Bill K »

I hope so also. It is a drawn out cold/stormy spring and going into May. :eek:
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Re: The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Post by jsh »

One more week of work and then heading west for a few days.
Last year mother’s day week was a mess, though the locals appreciated it. It was the most precip they had had in 16 months, almost 3” of rain. Roads were a mess, 4x4 was a must. Buddy in his wide car tires Tacoma didn’t put it in 4x4 and ended up in a ditch. I had to drive 1 1/2 miles to a place to turn around, then 1 1/2 back to him. He was deep enough in muck he couldn’t open the drivers door, was on the east end of a section of milo stubble. My Tacoma with tall skinny aggressive tires snatched him right out, did t spin a wheel.
It rained, drizzled or was over cast and cold for 5 long days. Not much activity except for the day before we left. Roads were a mess and I am still washing red mud out from the under neath once in a while.
Luckily a week after we were back the front seal went out on my Tacoma, glad it didn’t happen on the road. Oil and filters changed, tires rotated and a full tank of fuel ready to go.
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Re: The Annual 2024 Rat Rodeo

Post by jsh »

Ricks comments on the 20VT forgot to mention, trying to restrain myself from so many rifles.
Taking 2, 223’s, 204, 20VT and 17WSM.
I ran across some calhoon 20’s. The shot fantastic initially so I loaded them up in the VT, shot up some odds and ends of 32 grain vmax, fine accuracy. I cracked open a box with the calhoon bullets and best they did was just MOA. I am wonder if the silver coating is “welding” to the case necks? Anyone have such things happen this way?
Loaded in December and January.
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