My shooting partner, who moved to Colorado a few years ago. His bench in PU, mine on ground, Then a shot of him recovery one of my chucks from the rocks for me. I don't do well now days climbing those rocks like that.
A shot of two of some of the area we/I shoot now days and in past.
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My old partner and I even one morning at minus 13 temp, but some squeeks were out. We stuck it out for about 2 hrs then headed for the PU and heater. I also, at time pull out the Evil Blackie and go for a Jack rabbit walk about. We both have taken a fair share of Chucks off that rim rock/lava and always leave some for seed.
A picture of a rock chuck haven. Bill K and I took several chucks off that rock wall.
You would see chucks, not only setting on the wall, but on the rocks above, even feeding in the grass
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