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Ground squirrels

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 7:39 pm
by broper
They're out around here. Not a lot of them but enough to get some shooting. My buddy and I went out last Friday for a few hours. He was shooting his AR 223 and I had my #1 218 Bee. We shot 30 or 40, didn't really keep track. We did get to see some pretty impressive aerobatics. There's still a few pretty good wet spots in the roads and you have to watch where you're going. It sure was good to get out and shoot with a good friend. Beautiful day too, 55 degrees, sunny and absolutely no wind.

Re: Ground squirrels

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:02 pm
by Bill K
Good for you and your buddy. I will still have to wait a little longer, down around my area. In fact am getting a little snow right now and will have to see what it is like in the morning. 2100 hrs. here, right now. But I am working on brass and getting everything loaded and ready when I can make a good valid squirrel or chuck shoot. :)

Re: Ground squirrels

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 5:55 pm
by broper
We got a little snow a couple days ago but not much. It's about all gone, just a patch here and there. It's supposed to be 59 on Wednesday so I'm hoping to get back out then. Heard from a guy the other day that said he has already got two chucks. Get's me worked up.

Re: Ground squirrels

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 6:45 pm
by Bill K
I am seeing a few chucks popping out on a couple places, but still too early, in my area to shoot them yet. Let the females nurse the youngins for a while, to keep the seed going, instead of them dying in the den without mom. But it sure gets me stirred up. :D

Re: Ground squirrels

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 12:25 pm
by broper
I agree

Re: Ground squirrels

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:54 am
by broper
I went out again on Wednesday. It was a pretty nice day, in the 60's and no wind. There wasn't as many out as hoped. I did manage to shoot 12 of them with 13 shots. The 13th shot was at some kind of stob, I didn't realize what it was until after I shot it. Killed it though! The rest of the squirrels I saw wouldn't sit still long enough to get a shot. Just about the time I'd get them in the scope they'd run or else they'd pop out of a hole running and right into another hole. Still had fun and enjoyed getting out for the day.

Re: Ground squirrels

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 11:40 am
by Captqc
Those little buggers have what we call “reticle radar”. Can’t count how many times I’ve been ready to squeeze the trigger (or shot for that matter) just to have my intended target take a dive. I’ll stay on the mound for the longest time just waiting for a second chance!

Re: Ground squirrels

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2022 7:40 pm
by bronad
Made my annual pilgrimage to the squirrel roundup and shooting was good, i shot off and on for about 15 days. my Leupold was replaced on Warranty with a LRP so now I'm dialing for squirrels and its going well. Squirrel numbers were up from last year i think, at least for me in my favorite honey holes. I didn't get to my Rock Chuck spot because of road conditions, maybe next trip. My load is shooting very well, i don't think I have the seating quite dialed in, but that's the fun of handloading.

Re: Ground squirrels

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 7:05 am
by Bill K
Went out yesterday also to my one old pivots. Very few around, believe that this pivot finally has been thinned out to almost nothing by me and my old shooting partner. Ranch people say we did a good job, for them and they are not seeing hardly any this year, so far of the small ground squirrels in the fields. Think I must locate to another area and hope they are still around and in numbers. Sure wish the price of fuel would go back down. :)
Did go to another area, no squirrels yet, but did see a few jack rabbits showing.
Did not check out any rock chuck areas, as the sky was overcast and sun not out so much, plus they need another week or so to be more out and about and young weaned. In time however, LOOK OUT, acrobatic lessons coming. :D

Re: Ground squirrels

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 9:02 am
by Rick in Oregon
Bill K wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 7:05 amIn time however, LOOK OUT, acrobatic lessons coming. :D
You mean from this:


To this?


Yes indeed, won't be too much longer now.......')
Lock 'n load kiddies, sun, rifles, rats and good friends.....stay tuned! :)

Re: Ground squirrels

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:31 pm
by Bill K
Perzacly... Rick. :)

Re: Ground squirrels

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:46 am
by broper
They are pretty far and few between here. Seems like the population is way down. Our squirrels aren't in the hay fields, they hang out in the desert hills. They are the Piute variety, a little smaller than your Oregon sage rats. We went out on Thursday for a while. There wasn't many out but we managed to get about 10 or so apiece. It seemed like about noon what few there were just disappeared. We'll probably make a trip for ruck chucks in a couple weeks.

Re: Ground squirrels

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 2:51 pm
by bronad
Too bad numbers seem to be down in your neck of the woods Bill, as i said numbers were pretty darn good in this part of Modoc Co. and my buddy said numbers seem good up near Bieber in Lassen Co., lots of shooters there though.

Re: Ground squirrels

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 3:18 pm
by bronad
Too bad numbers seem to be down in your neck of the woods Bill, as i said numbers were pretty darn good in this part of Modoc Co. and my buddy said numbers seem good up near Bieber in Lassen Co., lots of shooters there though.

Re: Ground squirrels

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 7:43 am
by Bill K
Just seems like the cycle that occurs, at times. But I have a couple other spots that have some, so all is not lost. I will get some shooting and will find a few more rock chucks to fill the cap. I actually like hunting the rock chucks more than the ground squirrels, as it is more like a real hunt, spot and stalk, dial and strike, like a sniper. :D
Although the pivot shooting on ground squirrels/squeeks is fun, it sort of gets boring after the first fifty shots or so, even at the longer ranges.
But don't get me wrong, I love the challenge. Same with seeing a jack rabbit in the flats or across a hillside, and sniping them off, especially over 150 yrds. :)