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Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:50 pm
by OldSchool
How are all my old buds doin?
It has been pretty busy around here. Working about 16 hours most days. Trying to get these Iraqi's trained up so we can get the heck outta here and go fight somewhere else.

Weather has been chilly mostly at nights, warming up to the 60's in the day. Luckily it hasn't rained much yet to turn everything into mud but i am sure its coming.

Hope ya all are gittin after them coyotes for me while I am gone. Surprisingly they have a small jackal here I see running around at night sometimes. Looks almost identical to a coyote. Wish I could bust a few of them!

Well, take care everyone. I hope ya all had a nice time during the holidays.


Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 3:35 am
by Lee C.
It's great to here from ya oldschool, and great to know your doing ok. God bless ya for being a stand up guy for this country. Heres hopeing your time flys by and you'l be on your way back home. God bless and take care of your self.

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:33 am
by Hawkeye Joe
Nice to hear from ya oldschool. Maybe you could have a Iraqi wack the jackal with you being the spotter. Sounds like good practice to me :lol: .Stay safe and thanks :salute:

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:22 am
by skipper

It's good to hear from you. You are in our prayers, my friend. Keep your head low and get back here as soon as you can. At least it's good to know you can still logon from Iraq. Thanks, for checking in with us.

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 8:46 am
by contender hunter
Hey Old School ,good to hear from you!! Wondered where you ended up !!! Take care of yourself over there and thanks !!! Bruce

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:58 am
Stay safe Old School. Good to hear from you.

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:59 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Old School....good to hear from you, bud. Rest well knowing that spot you told me about here out east of town still holds a good number of Ole Wiley. I'm savin' a bunch for your return to The World.

Stay low, keep vigilant, and know we all appreciate what you guys (and gals) are doing for us. You are NOT forgotten being over there. Come home safe.

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:18 pm
by gwglave
Old School,
Thank you for the update and God bless all you brave souls who have chosen to defend our freedoms from those who would like to take them away. There are a lot of us on this forum who can definitely indentify with you as we did our part back in Nam. Be safe and as Larry the Cable Guy says "gitter done"! We're supporting you folks all the way.

Rgds, Gerry

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:33 pm
by acloco
Old School - THANK YOU!

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:17 am
by OldSchool
Hey guys,
Thanks for all the replies. I have been in country about two months now so ten more to go! Sure is nice to here from some good 'ol folks that have some more to say than the media bashin us.

Wish I was chasin some dogs out there right no Rick!
Well Take Care,

Make sure ya'll give the kids an extra hug tonight for all us mom's and dad's who can't be there to hug our own.


Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:29 pm
by bullfrog
OldSchool - Be sure to know that the fact I/we can hug our kids tonight has everything to do with who and where you are. Thank you, and your fellow soldiers. We all owe a great deal to you, and despite the media there are a great many that think the most of you and your kind.
Also keep us updated on how you're doing if you can. I'm sure I am not the only one that would be interested on your thoughts on how things are going over there.
Also, let us know if there is anything over here that we could do for you. Seriously.

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:02 pm
by iceboxdan

THANKS you don't know me but i really appreciate what you guys are doing . i was there the first time with the 101st.can you guys get care packages? if so send me a list and a address and i will get it out to you.
icebox .

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:07 am
by hagfan72
Alright, someone else over here missing out on all the hunting back home. Oldschool, I am here at Balad AB, or as you know it, LSA Anaconda. Where is Camp Liberty in relation to us? We are about 45 miles NNW of Baghdad.

I have seen one jackyl here myself, but the thing that i am impressed with the most are the size of the DOVES here!!

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:24 pm
by dalv

Know our thoughts are with all of you serving the cause.

Regardless of individual position people may have on the war, I truly believe we are all Americans and support your efforts to protect our freedom. I know I do.

Keep up the good work and please pass our gratitude on to all enlisted you are with.



Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:47 am
by Bubba
Oldschool and hagfan72,

From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU for serving to keep the rest of us safe from danger. Be safe and we all look forward to your homecoming.
