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digital powder measure scale and dispensers

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:08 am
by ryutzy
Has anyone tried the digital powder measure scales and dispensers? Are they accurate? Fast? I weigh each charge that I load and am looking for a faster way to check my weights. Right now I just have a cheap digital scale that goes in .2 grain increments. I would like to have a scale that weighs in .1 grain increments and is easy to use. I dont want to spend a stupid amount of money on a scale and then not like it. What do you all use and recommend?

Re: digital powder measure scale and dispensers

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:08 pm
by BabaOriley
Yes, they can be accurate, and are easily faster than a balance scale. Keep the balance scale to compare to once in a while, because the electronic scales are more prone to heat/cold and humidity changes. I find most having problems with them only need to re-read the directions. The drop does vary on my RCBS 1500 combo. It will be right on for 5 loads, then go .1gr over 10 times in a row sometimes. Instead of pouring an overcharge back in and doing it over, I've learned it's just faster to have it dispense .1gr low. That way it's often right on, and if it stops at .1gr low, I can just tap the drop tube lightly to get .1gr to fall out. It has a trickle (slow) feed, but even that is too much powder to trickle up to be within .1gr. It really depends on the powder. If the powder drops out of the end of the dispensing tube in large "clumps", it has a tendency to go over by .1-.2gr. This is because it will keep going until the desired weight is reached. Aiming for .1-.2gr low and tapping it the last bit has made it much faster for me.

Re: digital powder measure scale and dispensers

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:37 pm
by ryutzy
ok thanks that was a helpful reply. I dont have a balance scale, just a cheap digital scale. I've been putting my powder charges on the scale then using a trickler to get it just right. This method does take awhile, so Ive been looking at the automatic ones, but the price is staggering. Glad to hear your take on the issue.

Re: digital powder measure scale and dispensers

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:20 pm
by Ruger1
I'm relatively new to reloading but have been doing a lot of it this year. I bought the RCBS Chargemaster 1500. If you shoot a lot of prairie dogs etc. then you load a lot of ammo. Mine is very accurate and I have not experienced any malfunctions. My loads are consistant and accurate. It's a little spendy but it sure speeds the process.

Re: digital powder measure scale and dispensers

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:59 pm
by futuretrades
I am also using the RCBS Chargemaster 1500. My results have been very consistent, for the most part. I do get an over charge of .1 to .2 grain over charge every once in a while. I do stop and dump the overcharge and recharge. I am not shooting competition, but shooting the belding squirrels out here in the west. My loads are not at max either, but are within 1/2 grain of max. I pay more attention to the temps I am shooting in. High temps really screw with the pressures of most any ammunition.
I guess what I am saying, is that I trust my Chargemaster 1500. But just be careful and safe in your reloading quest. After all, we are playing with controlled explosions! :eek: